Our Aims

Create a safe environment that is motivating, happy and stimulating. An environment in which children acquire the skills, knowledge and concepts relevant to their future. Enable our children to become confident, responsible pupils who are creative and developing independent learning. Support our children in achieving their full potential in being enthusiastic, proactive learners who have high personal levels of achievement in literacy, numeracy and across the curriculum. Help children to develop a tolerant and caring attitude, showing respect and understanding of others. Maintain a friendly community and trusting relationship between home and school so that we may work together for the good of the children. Provide a positive, friendly and happy school. Be a learning community where individuality and inclusive attitudes are promoted, a school that nurtures positive relationships, self-esteem and a life-long of learning. Achieve high standers in all areas of the curriculum while recognizing and celebrating every child’s achievements. Help, encourage and challenge children to be the best that they can be. Develop children’s abilities in in a range of physical skills. Inspire children to learn from their own experiences and to develop squiring minds, be flexible and adaptable for the modern world. Value and encourage children’s creative and imaginative abilities, as well as develop their physical skills. Develop children’s awareness of their role in the wider world through links with the local community. Provide opportunities for reflection and foster the children’s spiritual and moral development. Help children to live as responsible and caring individuals in the school community.